Friday, July 08, 2005

How to Mess with a Buyer's Head 101

I'm in the market for a laptop and while researching, I came across this chat log of a ZDNet writer getting misinformation from an online HP rep. I guess that's why they call them the "Helpless Desk".

1 comment:

Dirk Belligerent said...

Thanks for the tips. I see a lot of Celerys in cheaper laptops, but I assumed they'd be as slow as the PC ones. I've been looking at a few things and when I get closer, maybe I'll post another item about it.

As for running for office...yeah, right! How many votes would a candidate get that promised NOT to give the voter any freebies and would give them their money back along with their freedom?

(A: Somewhere in the neighborhood of the Libertarian candidate last time around!)