Great. I made a couple of posts using the Blogger "Blog This" plug-in which allows me to post a link to an article when I come across it and they both disappeared into the Blogosphere's Phantom Zone, thus losing my pithy commentary. Bleah.
Rather than reheat the rage, just go read 'em yourselves. You're welcome.
* Why the Live 8 concerts won't do much good.
* Straight, Gay or Lying: Bisexuality Revisited.
UPDATE: Looks like "Blog This" is working again. Trolls, prepare to be whacked!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Grrr!!! Stupid "Blog This"!!!
Smacked down by
Dirk Belligerent
11:48 AM
I made a couple of posts using the Blogger "Blog This" plug-in [...] and they both disappeared [...], thus losing my pithy commentary.
So what exacly is the problem? You're going to continue to use that new plug-in, right? Please?
P.S. Malkin's on the Beinhart tip. Are you waiting for NRO or Rush to comment on it before you spew here? Anxiously awaiting, yr. biggest fan.
Hadn't heard about it (Malkin) and after looking, am not interested in it. A liberal bashes Fox News - what's next? Dog bites man? Yawn...
Other good stuff to look at though.
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