Friday, January 28, 2005

Razzie Awards Blow It!!!

Do a Google for their site - what, you think I'm the Federal Government and I should do everything for you? - but this outfit that runs the "anti-Oscars" made a big omission in their nominations for Worst Picture. Nominated were:

  • Alexander
  • Catwoman
  • Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2
  • Surviving Christmas
  • White Chicks
Of these list, I've only seen Catwoman and I don't get all the hate against it. Yeah, it's not particularly good and it totally throws away the Batman origins of the character, but it's got some OK fun and Halle Berry looks fine in this ridiculous getup.

How it gets included in such poor company when THE Cinematic War Crime of 2004...


...gets left off every Worst Pix that I've seen is just crazy! I honestly suspect that somehow the trauma of VH was so profound, it was erased from the collective memory of the human race.

They're the lucky ones, I guess, cuz I still feel the pain. :(

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