The Federal Appeals Court has rejected stepping into the Schiavo case by a 2-1 vote and now Terri's parents are petitioning the Supreme Court. Good luck with that, folks. The Starver has the upper hand legally and is going to exploit that advantage to get away with murder and we're all going to have to sit and watch it happen.
In a news story, a demonstrator is mentioned holding a sign reading "HONOR HER WISHES".
If she'd made her wishes known to someone other than THE GUY WHO BENEFITS MOST FROM HER DEATH than there'd be no controversy and I'd be writing about Star Wars or something else less depressing.
But as long as we're being forced to accept the uncorraborated word of a weasel who may have precipitated her condition in the first place - read: he may've tried to kill her 15 years ago and needs her dead to prevent her squealing on him - I don't think sitting silently is an acceptable option.
Another ironic kink in the hypocrisy of the Left is that they're always preaching (in their God-free manner) about how the State needs to swoop down and salve every ill of society and now that government IS sticking their nose into people's lives, they're suddenly acting like they're libertarians.
Amazing what they'll say and do when they want the blood of innocents, isn't it?
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Strike Two! Third Strike Coming?
Smacked down by
Dirk Belligerent
2:12 PM
So is it hypocrisy to say you're for state's rights, except when you disagree with what the state court has decided?
Is it hypocrisy to complain that government is too meddling, except when the meddling suits your ambitious plans to outlaw abortion?
Here's something I found in the comments section of Read it and let it sink in.
"Let her go. Is it inhumane to starve her? Yes. But it is more inhumane to force her to live on like this for another 30 years. Sheesh, who here would choose that? No one, so why the screaming about how she is supposedly alive? That is not life, and forcing her to endure it does not help your right to life/abortion argument one bit."
P.S., Hannity and Limbaugh won't tell you this, but Michael Schiavo isn't "in this for the money". Terri got a $750,000 settlement 15 years ago. Of that, there remains less than $50,000.
In the last two weeks, he has turned down a $1 million offer to transfer guardianship to the parents.
If he was really a scumbag, it seems to me that he'd be kind of dumb to pass up the best of both worlds: a million dollars and to be rid of his albatross.
How come he hasn't done that?
Nice try to jam words into my blog, but I'd like to know where I've come down four-square behind all of this intervention or I have "ambitious plans to outlaw abortion"?
Just because I'm against what you want doesn't mean I'm for what you're against. (e.g. I was against Kerry, but that didn't mean I supported Dubya.)
The Starver had a whole lot more money back in the beginning, but Terri refused to die, even when he (allegedly) injected her with insulin. A living burden costs money and having her done away with would certainly save some coin.
Why didn't he take the million dollars then? That's easy: If you've just spent years and years trying to get your wife killed off on the basis of "these were her wishes" and then did a 180 and took the money and ran, wouldn't that lead to some questions like, "Um, what about Terri's wishes?
The presumption that Terri's trapped in her body screaming, LET ME DIE!!!" is a nice little story to tell yourself to try and block out the possibility that the inverse is true and she's lying there silently screaming, "STOP IT!! I'M HERE!! CAN'T ANYONE HEAR ME!! DON'T KILL ME!!!
People don't need a financial motive to kill and it's ridiculous to propose that they do. There's one thing that all the money in the world wouldn't be much use for - if Terri were to be allowed to live, regain her ability to speak and the first words out of her mouth were...
"Michael tried to kill me. I've waited forever to be able to let someone know."
He'd be lynched immediately. (Not that that would be a bad thing.)
He needs her dead for probably self-serving reasons.
You need her dead to stick a thumb in the eye of those loathesome Christians.
Either way, she's dead. I guess it's a win-win for those in favor of a Culture of Death.
"Just because I'm against what you want doesn't mean I'm for what you're against."
And the reverse is true. Just because I find the actions of the Republicans loathsome does not mean I am rubbing my hands in glee at the prospect of Schiavo's passing.
I just believe that you busybodies don't belong entwined in the painful decisions that families need to make. I sure as fuck don't want one of you Jesus Freaks interfering with me or my family if something like this happens to me.
"If you've just spent years and years trying to get your wife killed off on the basis of "these were her wishes" and then did a 180 and took the money and ran, wouldn't that lead to some questions"
But really, who cares? If I were a scumbag and I could get a million dollars, you think I'd give a fuck about what some asshole blogger or dim-bulb politician said about me?
You're right-- people don't need a financial motive to kill. But most people do need -some- motive, and you cannot put one on Michael Schiavo except to make vague accusations about "benefiting from her death" or underhand swipes about "alleged" abuse.
The presumption that Terri's trapped in her body screaming, "STOP IT!! I'M HERE!! CAN'T ANYONE HEAR ME!! DON'T KILL ME!!!" is a nice little story to tell yourself to try and block out the possibility that the inverse is true and she's lying there silently screaming, "LET ME DIE!!!"
The charming "anonymous" says: And the reverse is true. Just because I find the actions of the Republicans loathsome does not mean I am rubbing my hands in glee at the prospect of Schiavo's passing.
This could almost pass for a sincere point, except the tinfoil slips and they blurt...
I just believe that you busybodies don't belong entwined in the painful decisions that families need to make. I sure as fuck don't want one of you Jesus Freaks interfering with me or my family if something like this happens to me.
1. Who is "you" as in "you busybodies"? I haven't been too happy about what's been happening in the effort to save this woman and I'm really leary of the prospect of Jeb Bush stepping in to take custody of her, but when the jury is not only still out, but being prevented from coming in to pass a final judgement, it's better to err on the side of life because if they're wrong and she's needlessly killed, there's no do-over.
B. Who is this "you Jesus freaks" that you're referring too? Me? Sorry, but my mother calls me a "pagan" because I grudgingly drag myself to Church twice a year to mouth along with the flock.
The Catholic Church has been too Marxist for my tastes and too hidebound in its handling the growing emnity it has earned lately, but that's another issue for another time.
If I were a scumbag and I could get a million dollars, you think I'd give a fuck about what some asshole blogger or dim-bulb politician said about me?
Don't think we didn't notice that you're ignoring the inconvenient fact that he may be trying to cover up attempted murder, something that carries a bit more weight than mere scorn, ya know?
Nice try, but it's got to be hard to argue when you're fueled by anti-Christian hate, anti-Republican rage and an unwillingness to allow a woman to live if it may end up denying you your revenge for the 2004 Election.
Real sweet, aren't you?
"Don't think we didn't notice that you're ignoring the inconvenient fact that he may be trying to cover up attempted murder, something that carries a bit more weight than mere scorn, ya know?"
Who's wearing the tinfoil now? Have you got some proof for this murder cover-up?
Of course you don't. It's just another low-rent smear by the right to demonize Michael Schiavo.
Go ahead, point me to the single sworn affidavit from the woman who was fired after reporting her suspicions to the authorities. This is the same woman who has stated that she talked to Terri, gave her milkshakes, let her sit at the nurse's station etc.
Your "murder" charge rests on the shoulder of a kook. No one but your fellow loonies takes her seriously. Certainly the 20+ judges who have heard this case over the last 15 years haven't taken her seriously.
Um...are you hoping that no one notices that my mentions of these charges have been smothered in "allegedly" and "may have" language and that the story is "being peddled"? There's a reason for that: They seem a bit too convenient at this time.
However, I encourage you to check out some later posts than this one because there has been another affidavit, WITH LINK, which show that there is a rush to kill this woman - a rush that you fully support because it'll be a win for your side. Who cares if someone dies, right?
Question: Are you one of those people who believes and tells everyone that Dubya "stole the Election"? Both times?
Whose wearing the tinfoil now?
Go read some later posts and learn something, mmmmkay? Thanks.
Don't change the subject. Please provide a link to some proof of the "murder" allegation on Michael Schiavo other than the 2003 affidavit from the person who was fired after reporting it.
If you can't, then I will assume you agree that the "attempted murder cover-up" charge is being brought up only as a a low-rent attempt to smear Michael Schiavo in the court of public opinion.
And your new link doesn't prove there is a rush to kill this woman-- it's simply one more opinion. You know as well as I do that this is just tit-for-tat. Schindler will provide an expert that says one thing, Schiavo will provide an expert that will say the opposite. The only thing we can do is allow a court to decide, which, incidentally, they have. Multiple times. The Schindlers doing the same thing you rail against the democrats for-- shopping around until you find a judge who will agree with their side.
P.S. Terri's death isn't a "win for my side". It's not a win for anyone. The best that can come from it is that there's some legal precedent that says "If You're Not a Member of the Family, You're Not Part of The Decision-Making Process".
P.P.S. What's Election 2004 got to do with this? I've been arguing all along that this is a private family matter and we all need to butt the fuck out of it.
P.P.P.S. If theis isn't about abortion, why are Randall Terry and Bo Gritz involved?
If I had a link to this nurse's affidavit, I would've posted it. I only mentioned it because it was out there, just like the phony "talking points" memo that ABC and others are trying to use to smear the GOP as cynical politicians.
Duh. "Cynical politician" is like saying "evil liberal" - totally redundant, like "jumbo big".
P.S. Terri's death isn't a "win for my side". It's not a win for anyone. The best that can come from it is that there's some legal precedent that says "If You're Not a Member of the Family, You're Not Part of The Decision-Making Process".
I don't disagree, but the additional precedent will be the relegation of women back to property status. "Your my wife and I own you and I wish that you die." Nice. Not. (I'll be posting more about this later.)
P.P.S. What's Election 2004 got to do with this? I've been arguing all along that this is a private family matter and we all need to butt the fuck out of it.
Maybe it's not important to you personally, but the need for revenge by the Left is animating a lot of their opposition to giving Terri a chance and their rush to kill her to prove their power.
You do realize that by standing against government intervention here, the Left will have trouble demanding that Uncle Sam step into many other issues that they normally would be all over like Charlie Sheen at a brothel open house.
That's it for this comment section. Please move to more recent and relevant posts. Thank you.
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