Slate has this story by Harriet McBryde Johnson which lists 10 issues that are being obscured in all the dust tossed up by the death-before-life side. A disability-rights lawyer with congenital health problems, she concludes:
In the Senate, a key supporter of a federal remedy was Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin, a progressive Democrat and longtime friend of labor and civil rights, including disability rights. Harkin told reporters, "There are a lot of people in the shadows, all over this country, who are incapacitated because of a disability, and many times there is no one to speak for them, and it is hard to determine what their wishes really are or were. So I think there ought to be a broader type of a proceeding that would apply to people in similar circumstances who are incapacitated."
I hope against hope that I will never be one of those people in the shadows, that I will always, one way or another, be able to make my wishes known. I hope that I will not outlive my usefulness or my capacity (at least occasionally) to amuse the people around me. But if it happens otherwise, I hope whoever is appointed to speak for me will be subject to legal constraints. Even if my guardian thinks I'd be better off dead—even if I think so myself—I hope to live and die in a world that recognizes that killing, even of people with the most severe disabilities, is a matter of more than private concern.
What the mindless supporters of spousal homicide are ignoring is that it's not a bad thing to make sure we're not killing an innocent person. However, they appear more interested in saving convicts than the ill.
I can only hope that they never become infirm and someone applies the same value judgements over their lives.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Not Dead at All - Why Congress was right to stick up for Terri Schiavo
Smacked down by
Dirk Belligerent
4:25 PM
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