Michelle Malkin says "AL FRANKEN IS CRACKING UP", but she's wrong. To "crack up" would require that the guy was sane in the first place, but he's always been prone to violence and hateful urges.
Who else but passionate champion of free speech and diversity would make a promotional video for his new book which shows him brutally beating an actor meant to represent a conservative reader?
You know, this is just like that time Rush Limbaugh made the video of himself drowning the child of a Democrat.....oh, wait....that never happened.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
When Al Franken Attacks!!!
Smacked down by
Dirk Belligerent
9:08 AM
Not surprisingly, the humor is lost on dim-witted blockheads like you.
It's funny -precisely- because in real life Franken is so laid back. He doesn't yell or scream. He doesn't need to. That's also what infuriates his opponents, who are used to the "my voice is louder than yours, therefore I win" school of debate.
Anyway, lighten up. Fitzmas is almost here!
Yawn...if you weren't so terrified of the Truth, you may've clicked the source link and seen some other examples of Franken's violent outbursts like during the RNC Convention last year (posted here as well), his outburst at Michael Medved and his proud bodyslamming of a Dean heckler.
If a conservative personality went around repeatedly physically attacking people and then made a video spoofing their violent behavior, the Left would crucify them. Hell, the way they deliberately smeared Bill Bennett by only reporting the words they wanted and hiding the context and true meaning proves it, yet Franken's thug tactics are only known to the non-fascist blogosphere. I wonder why.
Al Franken is a thug. Why can't you just admit that you like thugs when they're on your side instead of lying so lamely?
Do you have any idea how hilarous you sound?
Al Franken is a thug?
Are you that big of a pussy that you consider Al Franken a violent thug?
Seriously. We're talking about Stuart Smalley for Christ's sake. I thought you guys were rough and tumble dudes. You get pushed around by a guy in a cardigan sweater?
P.S. Nice attempt at obfusication on Bennett. Keep toeing that party line, that Bennett made his horror and disgust at aborting babies clear, and hope that no one notices the larger point that the left made, that Bennett believes crime will go down if you get rid of BLACK babies.
Al Franken has serious anger management problems and I linked to numerous examples that a non-fascist would be pilloried for if they'd done the same. What do you do? Make a joke, but don't refute the FACTS.
As for Bennett, you know damn well (or should) that he was referring to an earlier discussion of the book "Freakonomics" that is convenient left out of the reporting in order to sell the meme that he's a closet racist.
I'm sure you'll come back with some comment about his gambling problem, but that's OK because I'll just delete any further useless lies you wish to clog the servers with.
It's fun hanging you by your own hypocrisy, but I'm much too busy to waste more time on your humiliation. Either stop lying or STFU. You're welcome, beyatch.
Hah hah hah... every Dirk thread ends the same way. You get slapped around like a hysterical woman, proclaim victory and then announce that you're too busy to respond anymore and you're going to delete all further posts in the thread. (Not that you actually delete posts... no, you quietly restrict comments so no one can respond and you get the last word without being embarrassed further.)
Of course, if you were really so busy or so right, you wouldn't respond to my posts. The fact that you don't hesitate to go tit for tat is evidence of your insecurity.
Hah hah hah... every Dirk thread ends the same way. You get slapped around like a hysterical woman, proclaim victory and then announce that you're too busy to respond anymore and you're going to delete all further posts in the thread.
Actually, it goes like this: Anonymous fascist-liberal moonbat comes in and posts lie after lie after lie and after they're refuted to a wince-causing fair-thee-well, proceeds to keep trying to push the lies as if he hadn't been beaten to a pulp by the Truth.
(Not that you actually delete posts... no, you quietly restrict comments so no one can respond and you get the last word without being embarrassed further.)
When I'm going to be away for an extended period of time, I do shut down comments so that further outrageous garbage doesn't stink up my place unresponded to. Of course, if I was so afraid of liars like you, why would I keep allowing you to post your insipid fantasies?
Ooops...got ya there, Bub. Again.
Of course, if you were really so busy or so right, you wouldn't respond to my posts. The fact that you don't hesitate to go tit for tat is evidence of your insecurity.
Explain the logic of not responding to outright lies and misinformation? Wow, you ARE nuts and that's why I allow you to spew your crap here: You provide living, drooling examples of the derangement that afflicts your fellow travellers. If I say you people are nuts, it's one thing; when you PROVE YOUR NUTS, well, that's something else, innit?
An unrefuted lie has the currency of truth and that's why I respond. You lie about Al Franken's mild-mannered temperment and if I don't provide proof that he's a violent, unhinged thug who will probably end up killing someone in his rages, the myth that he's just Stuart Smalley wins out.
You know how the Big Lie works because you're a foot soldier in spreading them. You have an endless supply of 'em, too, but I've got the Truth on my side and honesty will out. Bitch.
You lie about Al Franken's mild-mannered temperment and if I don't provide proof that he's a violent, unhinged thug who will probably end up killing someone in his rages, the myth that he's just Stuart Smalley wins out.
You linked to three "examples" of Franken's "rage". These will evidently prove that he's a "violent thug".
Here's an photo of that dangerous maniac in the heat of battle:
One of the links was kind enoug to post a real live 1:11 video of the insane and clearly dangerous Al Franken. And the video isn't a continuous take, it's selectively edited, one would assume, to show Franken's worst behavior.
Wow. I'd hate to be in the same state with a violent criminal like that. Jeez... he actually raised his voice a little bit so you could almost hear him from three feet away. Goodness! Look how dangerous he looks when he frowns! An angry guy like that, boy, he's probably capable of anything! I'm surprised the police didn't arrest him on the spot! Listen to the patented Franken whine! It sends shivers of fear down my spine!
Here's a free hint, Dirk: Don't link to stuff that proves you to be a complete tool. At least make me work a little to drag it out of you.
Heehee...you spin me right round baby right round...spin spin spin spin....
What a maroon! He's talking into a MICROPHONE and wearing headphones - he didn't need to raise his voice, but his meds were wearing off and he started to yell. If you want to believe that he was just trying to be heard, then that's one of the more benign lies you've told yourself, so whatever makes you happy, pal.
It's so funny that since this post, I've posted about a book proving the rank hypocrisy of your pals on the fascist Left and how even bigger liars like Randi Rhodes (like Al, but with less truth and sex appeal) are shrieking "CABAL!!", yet you choose to contine trying to prop up poor old Crazy Al.
Laughable. I've got deadlines and you've got nothing, chump. Buh-bye.
I thought he was a violent thug? For fuck's sake, based on your hyperbole, I was expecting to see video of some kind of savage beating or wild rape; at the least, perhaps an animal beheading. Instead we get a dumpy middle-aged guy who raises his voice a little.
And don't forget the photo of a crazed Al Franken facing down his opponent with his hands on his hips.
This is what you consider "dangerous" and "violent".
You're either an idiot or the world's biggest pussy. I'll let you cop to whichever one you want.
Bub, you're pathetic, but we all knew that. What have you got on the RNC blowup and more important, why the fook is he making videos of him beating a conservative? Hmmm?
Let's accept your premise that in real life, Al Franken is a Depends-wearing walking vagina who couldn't harm another living thing because of the chip the Initiative placed in his head and only speaks The Truth - that's what he's ironically calling his book - and all these pictures and reports of his seething rage that sometimes slips the restraints of all the Haldol they've got him pumped up with are just VRWC slurs.
Q: Why is he making liberal pornography that shows conservatives as legitmate targets for violence?
You say it's only a joke, but would you shrug off a conservative who portrayed violence against a Birkenstock-wearing, Volvo-driving member of Can'tMoveOn.Argh as a humorous sales tool?
Didn't think so,but you're a hypocrite, aren't you? Duh.
You should talk about hyperbole, bitch! Franken says Cheney and Libby will be executed and Rhodes screams "TREASON!!!" as a mike-check and then every other word, yet you complain about me?!? HA!!!!
Methinks you fear that Chrismukkah will bigger than Fitzmas this year. Heh.
You're boring everyone with your self-immolation, pal. Quit while you're 74 games out of first.
why the fook is he making videos of him beating a conservative? Hmmm?
I'm sure it's got nothing, nothing to do with getting publicity for his new book. I'm sure it's just a happy coincidence that he got a mention on Drudge. That certainly won't increase his sales from mouthbreathing red-staters who are now aware of his new book and will buy it just to pore over it page-by-page looking for any errors. Yeah, it's just a coincidence.
Let's accept your premise that in real life, Al Franken is a Depends-wearing walking vagina who couldn't harm another living thing
Which, of course, is not at all what I'm saying. Al Franken is a normal human being. I'm sure he has temper tantrums, just like we all do.
That does not make him a violent thug, any more than it makes you a "violent thug" when you yell at your girlfriend for re-arranging your Star Wars dolls.
Do you realize how foolish you sound? Your evidence links are your A-Game. That's the best extant proof you have that Al Franken is a "violent thug". Two of those links show a dumpy man who stands with his hands on his hips and gets whiny when he gets loud. The third is some anonymous schlub claiming that Franken tackled people in a public place. You cannot view the first two links and possibly believe that the third has any basis in reality.
You should talk about hyperbole, bitch! Franken says Cheney and Libby will be executed and Rhodes screams "TREASON!!!" as a mike-check and then every other word, yet you complain about me?
Here's the patented Dirk argument style. When backed into a corner, change the subject and make your opponent defend something unrelated.
Not. Biting. Franken's comments were a (funny) joke, and Rhodes is a shrill harridan.
I call you out as a douchebag because you call Franken a "violent thug". Your proof shows a man who looks like he's about as dangerous as a banana cream pie. In this age of constant surveillance and pajama bloggers with cameraphones, you can't point to anything stronger than a man who squeaks when he raises his voice. No pictures of a red-faced lunatic screaming at anyone within earshot; no videos of microphone rage; no police reports of unruly behavior.
You're an idiot because you keep attempting to defend a stupid comment, because you don't have the intellectual honesty to admit that your hyperbole was dumb and overreaching.
Methinks you fear that Chrismukkah will bigger than Fitzmas this year.
I don't understand this comment at all. This is either a reference to something I don't know about or another one of your sad attempts at "humor" falling flat. I suspect it's a combination of the two.
I saw this one Governor Schwartzenegger video where he killed a whole bunch of people and didn't feel bad about it.
You're like the Black Knight in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" - I rendered you limb from limb and yet you come back for more, spouting ridiculous garbage like...
You cannot view the first two links and possibly believe that the third has any basis in reality.
If you do a Google on "al franken wrestling", you'll get a zillion hits referring to the incident that was written about in the NY Post (no longer available online) that read:
January 27, 2004 -- EXETER, N.H. - Wise-cracking funnyman Al Franken yesterday body-slammed a demonstrator to the ground after the man tried to shout down Gov. Howard Dean.
The tussle left Franken's trademark thick-rim glasses broken, but he said he was not injured.
Franken - who seemed in a state of shock and out of breath after the incident - was helped back to his feet by several people who watched the tussle. Police arrived soon after.
"I got down low and took his legs out," said Franken afterwards.
Franken said he's not backing Dean but merely wanted to protect the right of people to speak freely. "I would have done it if he was a Dean supporter at a Kerry rally," he said.
"I'm neutral in this race but I'm for freedom of speech, which means people should be able to assemble and speak without being shouted down."
The trouble started when several supporters of fringe presidential candidate Lyndon Larouche began shouting accusations at Dean.
Franken emerged from the crowd and charged one male protester, grabbing him with a bear hug from behind and slamming him onto the floor.
"I was a wrestler so I used a wrestling move," Franken said.
Gee. Where was Al during the RNC when hecklers interrupted Dubya's speech? What a phony he is and I love how he says he's for freedom of speech, but only for the people with the microphones.
On the board I copied that from, the poster mirrored my thoughts by saying:
This is funny, Al Franken assaults someone for protesting Howard Dean. He wants Dean to be able to express his freedom of speech? Well what about the person he assaulted, what happened to their freedom of speech? Liberal's only support freedom of speech when it is allowing them to push their agenda. However when an opinion arises that challenges their ideology their support of "freedom of speech" goes right out the window. Al Franken is a lying liar.
And he takes money from poor kids and then lies about that as well. Imagine if a non-liberal was so cavalier about stealing money from the poor to line his pockets. You'd have a cow, man!
And don't think we haven't noticed that you've engaged in exactly the same tactics that you falsely accuse me of using, namely "When backed into a corner, change the subject and make your opponent defend something unrelated. When I asked why it's OK for Al to pretend to beat up people for the crime of no agreeing with his fascist views, you say it's only a joke and what's the big deal.
What if Sean Hannity promoted his new book, "The Same Sh*t I've Said A Hundred Times Before, Said Another Hundred Times", by making a video where he treats a "liberal woman" like R. Kelly would. Would you respect that "funny" stuff and defend it against those offended?
Yeah, right.
One thing we semi-agree on: The comments about Cheney et al being executed weren't very funny (unless you're suffering/enjoying BDS), but they aren't anything like how Michael Savage and Tim Graham have spun it. He's not calling for their deaths any more than if I said, "When there is justice, Bill Clinton will be tried for treason, perjury, rape and everything else he did and sentenced to life in prison where he will daily be treated to the same forced sex he inflicted upon Juanita Broderick."
Bottom Line: Al Franken is a liar. He has anger management issues. He has no guilt about being paid with money meant for the disadvantaged. He will body-slam anyone he chooses if he doesn't like their speech. He thinks it's funny to portray violence against his ideological foes.
NONE of that is in dispute - what you're hung up on is the semantics. OK, fine, Al isn't a "violent thug". He's a lying, angry, greedy hypocrite who wishes to control other's speech practices. Happy now?
Methinks you fear that Chrismukkah will bigger than Fitzmas this year.
I don't understand this comment at all. This is either a reference to something I don't know about or another one of your sad attempts at "humor" falling flat. I suspect it's a combination of the two.
"Christmukkah" is the multi-faith holiday on "The O.C." It's as fictitious as the Left's much-touted "Fitzmas". (It'll be funny to watch them turn on the prosecutor if he doesn't frog-march Rove out of the West Wing in cuffs.)
I saw this one Governor Schwartzenegger video where he killed a whole bunch of people and didn't feel bad about it.
Egads. Liberal humor is an oxymoron, innit?
When I asked why it's OK for Al to pretend to beat up people for the crime of no agreeing with his fascist views, you say it's only a joke and what's the big deal.
because it is a joke. The promo video is nothing more than a humorous metaphor that you're reading way, way too much into. Franken is saying "My book beats up conservative readers and their ideas", and then makes a video making the metaphotical point literal.
And in case you didn't get the "wink-wink, nudge-nudge" I posted earlier, I am sure Franken made this knowing full well that conservative kooks would get up in arms and give him tons of free publicity that he otherwise couldn't have bought from you.
Congratulations, you are officially part of the Al Franken Street Team! I hope you get a free t-shirt.
Oh yeah, and I forgot to post this link:
Scroll down about a quarter of the page, and you'll see that the ACTUAL TRUTH of the episode was reported on your own precious National Review Online, as well as CNN. Franken didn't tackle or body slam anyone... he helped escort a heckler from the building.
And that gives me a perfect batting average, knocking the last of your three examples out of the park.
(And just for bragging rights, it took me all of 5 seconds to crush that final conservative Frankenfantasy of yours by simply googling the phrase "Al Franken yesterday body-slammed a demonstrator to the ground after the man tried to shout down Gov. Howard Dean" and clicking on the first link.
Al Franken of the WWE
: The NY Post reports that Al Franken tackled a heckler at a Dean rally:
Wise-cracking funnyman Al Franken yesterday body-slammed a demonstrator to the ground after the man tried to shout down Gov. Howard Dean.
The tussle left Franken's trademark thick-rim glasses broken, but he said he was not injured....
Franken said he's not backing Dean but merely wanted to protect the right of people to speak freely.... "I'm neutral in this race but I'm for freedom of speech, which means people should be able to assemble and speak without being shouted down." ...
"I was a wrestler so I used a wrestling move," Franken said.
That might seem like an odd contradiction -- I'm in favor of free speech and so I body-slammed you to shut you up -- but it turns out he was going after a Larouchie. Now it all makes sense, eh?
Better watch out, Bill O'Reilly.
: UPDATE: Nick, a commenter, says the Post is tabbing it up and he points us to two other versions of this most momentous event. From NRO:
But just then, a second protester stood up and began his own high-volume tirade.
"Dean's a liar!" he hollered.
At that point, comedian Al Franken rose from among the journalists and others near the stage and said, "Let's get him out of here."
Franken and a few others hustled the second man outside. As they did so, the first ill-mannered LaRouchite reemerged...
Throughout all this commotion, Howard Dean's fuse stayed long and moist.
Bad visual.
And CNN does a Larouchie roundup:
Franken, a comedian and self-described liberal well-known for his attacks on the Bush administration and conservative-leaning media, helped carry out one of the disrupters. In the process, Franken's glasses were knocked off his face and broke in two.
Putting them back together with electrical tape, he quipped he had been "deputized" by Dean's security.
Since you've been incapable of anything but spinning and equivocating, this latest drooling is no surprise and with it you...
1. Didn't respond to what would happen if a conservative attempted such "humor".
B. Didn't have a snappy comeback for Al's own words admitting to his need to attack people who dare speak in his presence.
The first point is more important: You excuse it because you get a boner watching it. If Ann Coulter plugged a book by showing herself ordering a Al Sharpton lookalike to "get me a beer, you trifling coon", y'all would be demanding her execution for hate crimes. And if anyone tried to say, "it was just a joke", you'd have them taken to the camps, too.
Franken isn't funny and neither was his ad.
What WOULD have been funny is if he did a PSA-style ad that showed a liberal's stereotypical version of a conservative raving away - think Michael Savage in full lather - and after a bit, Al comes in and speaks in a soothing, condescending tone about how poor Billy is suffering from "Dittoitis", but that help can be found by giving the "The Truth". Circle-wipe to Billy, thoroughly domesticated and sounding like Cindy Sheehan - you know, cured - while birds chirp and harps ring out. Al smiles at the camera and says, "Won't you give The Truth to someone who needs it? They'll thank you for it." FADE OUT.
Now THAT would've been amusing and clever, but since Al is neither anymore and is just a bitter limousine liberal taking money form the poor to fund his lifestyle, he was incapable of doing anything but that sad clip that only serves to divide the nation further.
But, hey, whatever works for the Looney Left, right?
Gawd, you're pathetic.
Scroll down about a quarter of the page, and you'll see that the ACTUAL TRUTH of the episode was reported on your own precious National Review Online, as well as CNN. Franken didn't tackle or body slam anyone... he helped escort a heckler from the building.
You cling to the lack of the words "bear hug" or "wrestling move" in a selected story to bolster your denial that Al Franken himself bragged that he muscled someone out of a crowd for daring to speak up.
Like I asked before, where was he during the Stupid Party Show during Dubya's speech? Didn't he care about Dubya's speech rights or does he save his physical assaults for those who interrupt Dems?
And with that, the Black Knight's head is lying next to his lifeless torso. His feeble cries of "I got you!" to be heard no more.
Move. On.
What WOULD have been funny is...
See, that's why Franken gets paid for his gig and you post to an anonymous blog. Your skit wasn't funny, it was tired and cliched, like most of the tripe you post. It plays on the yawner that conservatives are all madmen and liberals are the soothing balm. Franken's was funny because it was precisely the opposite... the quiet mousy liberal going hog wild on a conservative.
You cling to the lack of the words "bear hug" or "wrestling move" in a selected story to bolster your denial that Al Franken himself bragged that he muscled someone out of a crowd for daring to speak up.
Jesus, you're dense!
If anyone's claiming exclusivity to a "selected story", it's you and all your conservative brothers-in-arms who quote the NY Post version as gospel. I give you a link showing that two other sources confirm what actually happened, and you're still carrying on about wrestling moves.
Your partisan madness deludes you so deeply that you can't even see how dumb the story is on its face. If Al Franken tackled someone in public, in front of witnesses, you can be damn sure that he would have been charged with assault or been sued in court. Why didn't that happen? BECAUSE HE NEVER TACKLED ANYONE, DOUCHEBAG.
What likely happened is he helped escort someone out, and some intrepid young cub reporter said "Al, did you really just throw someone out?" and Franken, in his usual deadpan style, replied "Yes, I went down low and got him in the legs. I used to be a wrestler, you know", and everyone but the simpleton conservatives laughed, because they, like you, are humor-impaired and do not understand humor which is not spelled out in 12-foot high flaming letters with an accompanying laugh track...
Like I asked before, where was he during the Stupid Party Show during Dubya's speech? Didn't he care about Dubya's speech rights or does he save his physical assaults for those who interrupt Dems?
I didn't realize that Al Franken was responsible for protecting everyone's speech. I would have figured that there would be people at the RNC who would take care of any hecklers there. I mean, from your tone, I assume that whoever was speaking out against W was allowed to state his piece, right? I mean that guy wasn't hustled out a side door as soon as people heard him, right?
Whoops, there goes your foot, right back into your mouth again.
Anyway, I'll let this go now. You've been embarassed enough in this thread. I'll give you some time to recover before I come back to kick you in the teeth when you post your inevitable "Partick Fizgerald is a partisan hack secretly working for CBS and George Soros!" spiel the day after Fitzmas.
If Al Franken or any other member of your fellow travellers pulled a gun out and shot a non-fascist on live TV and announced their support for an American Gulag system (or better yet, killing fields), you'd say it was just a joke.
The joke is you. And I hardly had to work at proving it.
The fact that you still have to spin Franken's lame attempt at humor shows that it WASN'T funny to anyone not afflicted with BDS.
Oh, BTW, Al isn't paid to be funny anymore. He takes money from poor children to express the lies and hate of people like you.
Cheers, bitch.
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