In the wake of the media whitewash of Newsweek's seditious activities, we've been told that even hinting at disrespect of the Koran (or Qu'ran or whatever) justifies the violent reactions that have killed so many recently and helped foment some more hatred against Americans, as if the media hadn't done enough to get them hating us already.
As we were being lectured about being sensitive to these medieval nutcases fee-wings, I wondered WTF no one felt any need to be sensitive to Christians in the face of the 24/7 bashing they get in the media. Why aren't they rioting and killing after stunts like "Piss Christ"?
Well, it appears Brent Bozell wondered the same thing and here's a snip on the liberal hypocrisy with regard to being nice to people of faith:
The riots caused by Newsweek's story claiming American interrogators were flushing the Koran caused many Americans to be amazed by the extreme reaction in the Islamic world. Ken Woodward, the long-time religion writer of Newsweek, tried to explain to Christians just how offensive Koran-flushing is to Muslims: "Recitation of the Koran is for Muslims much like what receiving the Eucharist is for Catholics -- a very intimate ingestion of the divine itself."
There's a certain irony here. If you wanted to see the Eucharist in the toilet, you needed only to watch the NBC sitcom "Committed" in February, when NBC played for laughs the idea that two main characters thought they accidentally dropped a communion wafer in a bar toilet.
Hollywood makes lame jokes and harsh satires of Christianity all the time, figuratively and literally tossing Jesus, the Bible and church figures into the toilet. Those alleged American interrogators are pikers compared to Tinseltown. They could learn at the feet of the masters of mockery.
Last May, on Fox's "That ‘70s Show," one character explained to another: "You don't get paid to be the best man. You do it for the satisfaction of nailing the hottest bridesmaid. It's in the Bible." Religion is often mocked as fairy tales for fruitcakes. In a January 2004 episode of "The Simpsons," the daughter Lisa tells the son Bart, "The Mount Builders worshipped turtles as well as badgers, snakes and other animals." Bart replies, "Thank God we've come to our senses and worship some carpenter that lived 2,000 years ago."
Anti-Semitic riots and hate crimes were endlessly predicted when Mel Gibson made "The Passion of the Christ." Frank Rich and all the other Gibson-bashers looked pretty silly when millions of Americans saw the movie, and the impending Kristallnacht didn't materialize.
So why doesn't Hollywood produce storylines about the Koran being flushed down the john? That, they would tell you firmly, with conviction, would be religious bigotry.
Some of the examples not included here are actually kinda funny to me, but the overall point is still valid: Christians are slagged in a way that Jews and Muslims would NEVER be. I guess that's because Jews can play the Holocaust card and everyone's afraid that the Muslims will swear a fatwah - that's "holy death warrant" for those of you unfamiliar with the "religion of peace" (as dumbass Dubya said) - and get killed.
Do Christians need to start killing people to get some respect? :-\
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Why no riots for Hollywood?
Smacked down by
Dirk Belligerent
12:06 AM
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