...are at washingtonpost.com and it makes me wonder what it's gonna take before people wake the f*ck up about the open criminal activities of the Clinton Gang members.
Sandy Berger was Clinton's National Security Advisor, the same gig Condi Rice had before becoming Secretary of State and he removed and destroyed documents which would've shown how the Clinton Regime failed to protect this country.
The deal's terms make clear that Berger spoke falsely last summer in public claims that in 2003 he twice inadvertently walked off with copies of a classified document during visits to the National Archives, then later lost them.
He described the episode last summer as "an honest mistake." Yesterday, a Berger associate who declined to be identified by name but was speaking with Berger's permission said: "He recognizes what he did was wrong. . . . It was not inadvertent."
Under terms negotiated by Berger's attorneys and the Justice Department, he has agreed to pay a $10,000 fine and accept a three-year suspension of his national security clearance. These terms must be accepted by a judge before they are final, but Berger's associates said yesterday he believes that closure is near on what has been an embarrassing episode during which he repeatedly misled people about what happened during two visits to the National Archives in September and October 2003.
Lanny Breuer, Berger's attorney, said in a statement: "Mr. Berger has cooperated fully with the Department of Justice and is pleased that a resolution appears very near. He accepts complete responsibility for his actions, and regrets the mistakes he made during his review of documents at the National Archives."
The terms of Berger's agreement required him to acknowledge to the Justice Department the circumstances of the episode. Rather than misplacing or unintentionally throwing away three of the five copies he took from the archives, as the former national security adviser earlier maintained, he shredded them with a pair of scissors late one evening at the downtown offices of his international consulting business.
The document, written by former National Security Council terrorism expert Richard A. Clarke, was an "after-action review" prepared in early 2000 detailing the administration's actions to thwart terrorist attacks during the millennium celebration. It contained considerable discussion about the administration's awareness of the rising threat of attacks on U.S. soil.
National Archives officials almost immediately suspected that Berger had removed materials after his Oct. 2, 2003, visit. They called Bruce R. Lindsey, a former White House lawyer and Clinton's liaison to the archives to complain. Lindsey, sources said, called Berger, who soon acknowledged to archives officials that he had removed documents -- by accident, he told them -- and returned notes that he made, as well as the two documents he had not destroyed.
A criminal investigation, which eventually brought witnesses before a grand jury, was soon underway. The probe came to light last July, prompting Berger's resignation as a senior foreign policy adviser to 2004 Democratic nominee John F. Kerry.
Berger's archives visit occurred as he was reviewing materials as a designated representative of the Clinton administration to the national commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The question of what Clinton knew and did about the emerging al Qaeda threat before leaving office in January 2001 was acutely sensitive, as suggested by Berger's determination to spend hours poring over the Clarke report before his testimony.
1. What does it take to PERMANENTLY lose your security clearance?!?!?
B. Notice that this is a 3-year ban which means Sandy can go back to stealing documents and destroying evidence in 2008. So what? Who's the presumed Dem candidate for the next Election? Come on, think.....THAT'S RIGHT!!!! Hillary! Clinton! Nice to know that Sandy will make everything about the Clinton Regime's serial treasons go down the Memory Hole and Hillary! to don her faux crucifix of VRWC victimhood.
3. A Clinton Gang member who lies at first then fesses up for a wrist slap later? Haven't seen that one before. [/irony]
4. When is Dubya gonna be held to account for keeping fellow CG member George Tenet on board to fail repeatedly before getting a medal?
5. Misdemeanor? Treason is a misdemeanor?!?!?
We're down the rabbit hole, folks.
Friday, April 01, 2005
More Berger Cover-up Details...
Smacked down by
Dirk Belligerent
12:28 PM
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