Thursday, November 04, 2004

The Pitiful Sobs of a Dick Named Moby

Techno-dweeb Moby has been filling his diaper over the Election results because since he's no longer capable of making interesting or commercially desireable music (I did used to like his stuff - this isn't a political thing), he's bound his entire being up in being a self-abusing martyr for the Democratic cause.

While some self-pitying was to be expected, dig the depths of narcissistic immaturity Mopey wallows in:

OK, It's Done
11/3/2004 - New York City
can someone remind me why secession is not an option at this point?
i mean let's be realistic, we live in a divided country.
can't we have the breakaway republics of 'north-east-istan' and 'pacific-stan'?
wouldn't the red states be happier without us?
we could still travel freely and trade freely with them, but can't we just leave?
then you could have 3 countries:

one other option would be for us to all join the republican party en masse and make it socially liberal and fiscally conservative(as opposed to it's current 'socially puritanical/fiscally insane' status).

ok, it's done.
john kerry has seceded.
if you need us, my friends and i will be drunk for the next 4 years.

And then....

11/4/2004 - New York City
'dear rest of america,
can't you please let little old new york city secede from the rest of the nation?
we're very little and you probably wouldn't even notice that we were gone.
please? pretty please?
how about if we buy you guys donkeys?
will you let us secede if we buy each and every person in the rest of the united states a donkey?
you'd like to have your own friendly donkey, wouldn't you?
wouldn't you rather have a friendly donkey than a small insignificant city that no one really likes anyway?
we will be good neighbors, and you can come visit whenever you like(considering you have a valid passport).
again, please?
thank you very much, and i look forward to hearing your response.

Ooooh, a free donkey?

What Do We Do Now?
11/4/2004 - New York City
a lot of people have been asking me, 'what do we do now?'
well, my answer is kind of simple and probably disappointing.
we should have fun with our friends, and do good work, and maybe adopt a dog, and eat. eating is good.
in other words, we shouldn't let ourselves get distraught over politics.
yes, america has chosen gw bush as their president.
it's not what we wanted, but that's the way it is.
we can hope that maybe the 2nd bush term will be more moderate than the first(this isn't just me being willfully naive, i do believe that a 2nd bush term might be more moderate because he's not going to up for re-election again so he doesn't have to accomodate the christian right as slavishly as he's done in the 1st term).
we'll see what happens. sorry if i sound like i'm being wishy-washy, i just don't want us all to let ourselves sink into depression over the democratically expressed will of the majority of voting americans.
it is what it is, and being depressed and despondent isn't going to make anything better.
so go out and eat some ice cream and play with a dog and go see a movie with your friends.
the world will go on, don't let yourself get depressed, ok?

1. Don't get depressed? Dude....

B. I love his "yes, america has chosen gw bush as their president. it's not what we wanted, but that's the way it is." bit. When some people complained about Clinton being elected, did they take them seriously or did they laugh and kick some more sand in their faces?


But wait there's more!!!

Dear Canada
11/4/2004 - New York City
'dear canada,
now, more than ever, your neighbor to the south(aka-the blue states)needs you. most of us living in the northern and western parts of the united states don't feel very connected to the rest of the u.s, so can we bring our states and become part of canada?
we have a lot of money and some interesting cities and we promise not to be too much trouble.
the benefits to you:
a-in one fell swoop you can have southern california and new york city! surfing in canada! suddenly the u.n is on canadian soil! broadway is suddenly in canada! you could then say that canada is the birthplace of jazz and hip-hop!
b-money. cold hard cash. the red states in the u.s might have the voting power, but guess who has the money? yup, your friendly neighborhood blue states.
so when/if you accept our offer you will instantly become the richest country in the world! that sounds pretty good, right?
c-karma. accepting this offer will give you more good karma than you'd know what to do with(because you would instantly make 120 million people VERY happy).
so you get warm beaches, tons of cash, and good karma. who can say no to that?
please let us know if you accept the offer. given our enthusiasm to join canada it's safe to say that the details of the offer could probably be worked out in an afternoon.
thank you very much,
moby p.s-just to put your minds at ease, we do know that we can't bring our assault weapons with us.'

Let's dispose of this myth of "Blue States" right now. Check this map out:

Sorry, Mopey, but there aren't really any Blue States. You've got some heavily populated Blue COUNTIES, but no states, Bub. End of line, chump. (Alright, maybe Taxachusetts.)

Liberals in their infinitely hypocritical arrogance don't seem to mind that the VAST MAJORITY of counties in states with heavily Democratic enclaves are effectively disenfranchised - what's the use of being a conservative in upstate NY when Mopey and Michael Moore and their liberal pals in Manhattan will simply outnumber them? What happened to "every vote counting"?

Yeah, right.

When the only way Gore could've won was to use the popular vote total in 2000, the Left screamed that the Electoral College was archaic and needed to go. Well, were are those calls this year? (I know, I know....)

Colorado voted on - and Maine already has IIRC - using proportional distribution of electoral votes by district so that voters are more accurately represented instead of rural bergs being overwhelmed by big cities and I've alway thought that made sense. It'll never happen, because as the map shows, Democrats would never have another chance because the country is NOT even divided, but clearly tilted to the right.

Democrats and liberals don't believe in democracy. Never forget it.


Anonymous said...

I've seen you on the Velvet Rope before and it does not surprise me that you're a republican. You're really funny online. Kudos.

Just quickly about the "No Blue States" thing that you're claiming: the USA is not the land it's on, it's the people. If you have a 500 person county that went for Bush that should not mean the same thing as a million person county going for Kerry. Yeah I know, obviously. You know that logic is flawed, but it definitely presents an interesting/misleading map.

Because you're clever I'm sure I'll check this site out again, so could you please answer some questions? Thanks.

Are you against gay marriage? Civil unions? Why?

Are you against abortion? Why?

As a conservative, how do you feel about Bush's undeniably complete failure implementing traditional conservative fiscal values? (Please don't make your answer about two buildings that fell down 3+ years ago because that's a cop out. If we can't move on the terrorists have won.)

As I get older I tend to think that less government is better. I've become more appreciative of fiscal conservatives. It is simple, the private sector always outperforms the public sector. My big problem with the right remains on "value" issues. How can you be for "small" gov't but want to legislate what people do in bedrooms or what kind of relationships they can have? Sorry so long. Peace, bitch.

Dirk Belligerent said...

Thank you for your comments and kudos for being able to bolt together some complete sentences to discuss. (Many comments don't rise above the "You stupid!" level. Let's run these down point by point.

I've seen you on the Velvet Rope before and it does not surprise me that you're a republican. You're really funny online. Kudos.1. I'm not a Republican; I'm an anti-Democrat. BIG difference. For the record, I voted Libertarian this year - me and a few dozen other people. (I guess people don't want a 3rd party as much as the rumor indicated.)

B. If I was a Republican, how could I be funny, cuz aren't Repubs supposed to be humorless killjoys who want to stamp out all fun in the name of Jesus?

Just quickly about the "No Blue States" thing that you're claiming: the USA is not the land it's on, it's the people. If you have a 500 person county that went for Bush that should not mean the same thing as a million person county going for Kerry. Yeah I know, obviously. You know that logic is flawed, but it definitely presents an interesting/misleading map.All that means is a whole lot of like-minded people live close together. The problem with raw democracy is that it's little more than mob rule - fine if you're on the winning side of the mob, but not so hot if you aren't.

It's interesting to hear the whining of the Left these days about how they fear some sort of Christian Right Taliban rule when they have no problem with shoving their coastal elite views down the throats of the benighted in the Flyover.

Are you against gay marriage? Civil unions? Why?No. The thing I find most annoying about the anti-gay marriage argument is the position that ONLY couple with dissimilar body parts can form a family. By tying relationships only to the procreation is simply assinine when the human race is in no danger of extinction from lack of breeding activity.

Also, when heterosexual marriage is being besmirched by Britney Spears, Nicki Hilton and [insert celeb name] on a weekly basis, it's hard to see Willow and Tara being the end of the Republic. If you want to encourage FAMILY values, then reward people who act like families! A security guard here at work has been with her partner for a decade and they just packed the boy they raised (the partner's from her A-OK breeder years) off to college. Sounds like a family to me, so let's find a way to protect their rights and punish Britney and her bastard-siring dirtbag husband, mmmkay?

Are you against abortion? Why?Yes, BUT - and this is the rub - I think it's being used as post-conceptual birth control and if it was a hella lot harder to get one, it could possibly cause people to start thinking of the consequences of their actions. If a pregnancy couldn't be easily disposed of, wouldn't you try harder to avoid getting in a bind in the first place?

That said, before the "right" was fabricated by the Supreme Court, abortion happened and if it was banned, it'd still happen, though I guess we'd be throwing doctors into prison - all the better to chill things w/o having to throw women in trouble into the slam.

The problem is the "my body, my choice" hardliners don't want what's being done - the termination of an innocent life - to be mentioned. That's why you hear about "fetus", "unviable tissue mass" and whatever jargon allows the avoidance of the word "baby" which brings the gruesome truth to light.

Bottom line: Am I against abortion? Yes. Do I believe that women should be forced to carry pregnancies to term. No. Do I think BOTH sides of the divide are disingenuous? HELL, YEAH!!! Until both sides quit playing games, then there won't be any hope of progress. (Rent "Citizen Ruth" to see a sharp satire of this issue with both sides getting popped.)

As a conservative, how do you feel about Bush's undeniably complete failure implementing traditional conservative fiscal values? (Please don't make your answer about two buildings that fell down 3+ years ago because that's a cop out. If we can't move on the terrorists have won.)This is the NUMBER ONE REASON why I gave up on the Republican Party and refused to vote for Dubya. He never vetoed a single bill. He bloated the budget in a cynical hope that by pre-emptively ladling out government alms he'd be able to steal issues for the Dems - yeah, that worked and he got lots of credit, yeesh - and the GOP Congress, still cowed by the media and Clinton Regime smears in the wake of the OKC bombing (if you're for smaller government, you're a mad bomber) totally forgot about what got them in control in the first place under Newt Gingrich. Since the voters don't seem to be punishing them, they have little incentive to reform and can only honestly say that under Dem control, taxes and spending would be much higher.

As I get older I tend to think that less government is better. I've become more appreciative of fiscal conservatives. It is simple, the private sector always outperforms the public sector. My big problem with the right remains on "value" issues. How can you be for "small" gov't but want to legislate what people do in bedrooms or what kind of relationships they can have?I agree and that's why I walked away from the GOP - not that anyone on the Velvet Rope believes me. If you don't espouse the America-hating Michael Moore/Noam Chomsky bile, you're Karl Rove's butt boy.

Hope this cleared up your questions. Thanks again for wanting to DISCUSS the issues. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dirk, another rope reader here. I find your comments interesting, some compelling arguments, even though i am a dem. I now live in a red state (CO) after 10years in NYC, and have to face the reality of being around Republicans on a daily basis. All I can say is it's not THAT bad, but then again CO is a little more on the left of the right.

But to my real purpose here, I know you know this, but your map doesn't take into account pop. density...and votes by county don't really mean much, the tally for the state is what's important. Dems still lost of course, but not by as much as you'd like your map to indicate, and a shitload of people voted Dem. Anyhow, this is quite interesting:

And of course, as your map is better suited to getting Dems riled up and/or depressed, you will be glad to know: mission accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your replies to my above questions. You've definitely piqued my interest in the Libertarian Party. I'm sick of trying to triangulate my party's (Dems) political views into the Republican dictated mainstream. Fuck those falsely pious dickweeds. Has no one read Tartuffe?!? I believe what I believe. Free speech. Free relationships. Believing in someone's God is not a prerequisite for credibility in this country. That's what it's about. Bless America. Peace.