Saturday, November 20, 2004

The REAL Reason Why Updates Have Been So Scarce!

Also been super-busy at work and generally tired, but here's a bonus shot of the Pixies' Black Francis proving that black as a slimming color only works to a point.

See y'all next week.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha! lets laugh at the fat guy! ha ha! lookit him, he's FAT!!@@#! ha ha, if only he wasn't fat, he coulda been a stock clerk at media play like me. Sorry fatty, our smocks don't fit fat asses like you!

Anonymous said...

The REAL Reason Why Updates Have Been So Scarce???

Huh? Isn't it a bit presumptious to think anyone even noticed? If a blog fell in the forest...

Dirk Belligerent said...

Well, YOU noticed, didn't ya?

Anonymous said...
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